Welcome message
Online Self-study Course
If you are new to the course, we recommend you start with the Introduction to the course before moving on to the modules.A very warm welcome to the DiCE.Lang Online Self-Study Course
Who is this course for?
In-service and pre-service foreign language teachers, as well as teacher trainers or researchers.
DICELANG – Erasmus + Project
This course is part of the Teacher Training Package of the DiCE.Lang (Digital Citizenship Education and Foreign Languages) Eramus + project (2020-1-DE01-KA203-005712), which started in September 2020 and ends in August 2023.
Find out more about the DIce.lang project on: https://www.dicelang.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/index.html.
Course Aims
This course is a self-study learning pathway that provides professional development and qualification of pre- and in-service teachers as well as teacher trainers in the area of the Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) in foreign languages teaching and learning.
The course aims to develop digital literacy in foreign language education (FLE) by putting in evidence the importance of oriented educational practices and the creation of didactic plans and pedagogical resources for the development of the DCE in FLE.
It is designed in a context-sensitive way, so it can be completed by participants from diverse educational contexts in different countries.
Course structure
This course is a self-study course, aimed at getting familiar with a theoretical framework on Digital Citizenship Education and foreign language education.
Since it is a self-study course, the participants can do it according to their availability, starting at any time and with no specific time to conclude it.
It is structured to be around 20 hours in total, taking approximately 3 hours of work per module. The course is divided into 5 modules which correspond to the categories upon which the DiceLang project is based. All 5 modules have the same structure: a video with a short introduction to the concept and the topic, some resources which can be analysed and some short tasks to be completed by the participants.
The final task of the course is the creation of a Teaching Unit on DCE in foreign languages, for which you will have a template available that can be used to structure your lessons.
Accreditation /CertificationUpon completion of the self-study course, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion and a Digital Badge.
Participant Questions or Problems
If you have technical issues or queries please let us know by contacting dice.lang.project@gmail.com.
Note: the course is made available in the English language.
Translation of the introduction contents into German, Italian, Latvian and Portuguese.