Module 4 - Identity Dimension
This module has the following aims:
- getting familiar with the concept;
- understanding the relationship between the Identity Dimension and DCE, in the Foreign language classroom.In order to do so, you will be asked to:
- Task 1: analyse social media networks and reflect on how language learning can affirm and empower individual identities;
- Task 2: analyse and elaborate activities that can be used in the DCE context within the Identity Dimension.
Identity Dimension: global and digital participation
The Identity Dimension recognizes the existence of both our digital and real identities and strengthens learners’ personalities with respect to their increasingly constant online presence.
Watch the video to get more familiar with the Identity Dimension.
Transcripts of this video are made available.
Task 1
In case you have social media account(s) analyse them and think about:
- How many social media accounts do you have?
- What is/are the purpose(s) of the account(s)?
- To what extent do they portray your real life / your real you / the version of you in the real world?
- What would people learn about you when visiting your profile?
- What implications may your online profile have in your reputation?
- To what extent do the profiles /the contents you follow shape your identity?
- To what extent do the languages you know shape your digital profile?
If you don’t own a social media reflect on
- Why is that your choice? (time, technological competences, constraints…)
- The use of social media accounts by colleagues and students.
- Do you see yourself having a social network account and why? Which platform would you use? Why?
You can also explore the ideas above with your students!
Task 2
Analyse one of the following Teaching Units:
“My digital hero”
“Beauty online”
“Tinderella & Co. - Teen Dating and Technology” and:
choose one of the activities or resources within the chosen Teaching Unit which you have analysed and change it according to your own teaching context;OR
add one activity and the corresponding resources to the Teaching Unit.
If you wish, you can access this Padlet to look at some examples of activities shared by other teachers.